

The Cramerton Police Department’s Crime Prevention Section is a component of the Department’s Support Services Division. The Crime Prevention Section administers the Department’s Crime Prevention Program. The mission of the Crime Prevention Section is to provide crime deterrent services and programs to the citizens and businesses within the Towns of Cramerton and McAdenville. Included in this endeavor are programs consisting of informative lectures, crime reduction programs, and outreach initiatives. These complimentary services not only assist in the suppression of crime but also minimize the fear and negative perception associated with crime through a working partnership between the police and the community.


Special Check Program
The Cramerton Police Department provides a special check service for residents and businesses of Cramerton and McAdenville. These services are normally requested when a homeowner will be away from the home for more than one or two nights (i.e., vacation, etc.). Businesses may wish to request a special check when they will be closed for periods other than their normally scheduled hours or are experiencing unique issues on the property. A special check does not guarantee that crime will not occur on the property but does allow the officers to be more aware of the particular location during the requested special check period. Please CLICK HERE to complete the form to request a special check from the Cramerton Police Department. You may be contacted if additional information or clarification is needed.

Security Surveys
A security survey is a confidential, in-depth written report that evaluates the existing security and procedures of a premise. A private home, for example, may only entail locks, doors, windows and an alarm system. A corporate facility may require addressing a much wider range of needs, such as closed circuit television, electronic access control, fencing, security lighting, mail handling and visitor screening procedures. The survey will address security vulnerabilities and outline corrective measures. The Department provides this service free of charge. The preparation of confidential surveys requires a technical expertise in the field of security that few members of the Department have acquired. Therefore, our personnel must be knowledgeable on new developments in the security industry. Officers assigned to conduct security surveys have been trained or have an extensive knowledge in physical security. To schedule a security survey for your home or business contact the Crime Prevention Section by e-mail or by calling 704.824.7964.

Crime Prevention Lectures
The Crime Prevention Section provides lectures to all sectors of the community on a wide variety of topics. A lecture may address a particular crime pattern or issue, or be more generic, based upon the request of the client. The audiences range from kindergarten students to senior citizens.

Church Watch
Church Watch is a crime prevention program designed to reduce or eliminate the opportunity for crime involving houses of worship. Employing the principles of “Community Watch,” church members are encouraged to join with local law enforcement officials to learn and practice simple crime prevention techniques. Persons wishing to start a Church Watch at their location are asked to contact the Crime Prevention Section by e-mail or call 704.824.7964.

Safeguarding Houses of Worship
While nothing can totally guarantee that your place of worship will never be victimized by crime, there are measures that a congregation can employ to reduce the likelihood of criminal activity. Safeguarding Houses of Worship is a crime prevention program of the Cramerton Police Department designed to: assist church leaders in recognizing that places of worship are not immune to criminal activity, including violent crime; perform a risk assessment to determine vulnerabilities of the physical plant and liabilities of the organization; assist with developing and implementing emergency response plans; and provide training in established emergency plans. Persons wishing to obtain additional information on the Safeguarding Houses of Worship program are asked to contact the Cramerton Police Department Crime Prevention Section by e-mail or by calling 704.824.7964.

Community Watchcommunitywatch
Community Watch is a Crime Prevention program that involves citizens working with each other and with law enforcement agencies to reduce crime and victimization in their communities. It involves: citizens protecting themselves and their property by using common sense crime prevention practices; Neighbors getting to know each other watching out for each other and acting on or reporting suspicious activities; and citizens working with groups, community leaders, and, more importantly, law enforcement agencies to make entire communities safe and free from crime. Persons interested in starting a community watch program in their neighborhood should begin by contacting the Department’s Crime Prevention Section by e-mail or by calling 704.824.7964.

Crime Prevention Literature
As part of the Department’s public education campaign, the Crime Prevention Section has prepared pamphlets and flyers on a variety of topics as they relate to crime prevention. The crime Prevention Section is constantly updating and creating literature on new crime trends.  Requests for Crime Prevention literature can be made by calling the Crime Prevention Section at 704-824-7964 or by sending an email request.

Home Security
Business Security
Identity Theft


North Carolina Sex Offenders Registry
The North Carolina General Assembly created the North Carolina Sex Offender and Public Protection Registry in January 1996.
This law outlines registration requirements for persons living in North Carolina, non-resident students and non-resident workers. You can sign up to receive e-mail alerts when an offender registers at an address in your community, or to track a specific offender. You can also map all offenders’ addresses up to five miles away from any site you choose, such as home, school, child care center or park.

The Registry serves as a resource to help protect and inform the public. “The North Carolina Sex Offender Registration Program”, a publication of the North Carolina Department of Justice, provides more detailed information about the state’s Sex Offender Registry.